Author : 
Vasenev, V. Kuzyakov, Y.

Year : 2018

Title : Urban soils as hot spots of anthropogenic carbon accumulation: Review of stocks, mechanisms and driving factors

Journal :  Land Degradation & Development


Urban soils and cultural layers may accumulate C over centuries and consequently large C stocks may be sequestered beneath cities. Substantial amounts of SOC, SIC, and N are sequestered in the subsoils, cultural layers, and sealed soils, underlining the importance of these hidden stocks for C assessments. Long‐term С input from outside the cities and associated C accumulation coincided with upward soil growth of ~50 cm per century, and continuous accumulation of 15–30 kg C/m2 per century in urban soils and cultural layers. They conclude that, despite the relatively small area of cities, urban soils are hot spots of long‐term soil C sequestration worldwide, and the importance of urban soils will increase in future with global urbanization.


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