Author : 
Milind Bunyan, Shibu Jose, Robert Fletcher

Year : 2019

Title : Edge Effects in Small Forest Fragments: Why More Is Better?

Journal :  American Journal of Plant Sciences


 They investigated the response of microenvironment and edaphic variables to distance from a tropical montane forest (locally known as shola)-grassland edge using one-edge and multiple-edge models. 

 The edpahic variables did not show any differences between the grassland and shola soils. The conventional one-edge models sufficiently explained variation trends in micro environment along the edge to interior gradient in large fragments. 

 As with other studies on small fragments though, they observed no edge effects with the use of a conventional one-edge model. However, the inclusion of multiple edges in small fragments significantly improved model fit. Thus, small fragments dominated by edge habitat may in fact resemble larger fragments with the inclusion of multiple edges.


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