
Name : Jeehwan Bae

Research Interests Urban ecology, GHGs emissions, Carbon stocks and flux, Soil respiration, Fertilization effects, Land-use and land-cover change, NDVI and LAI.

Office : Environmental Ecology Laboratory, Department of Landscape Architecture (Seoul National University)

Undergraduate major : Department of Integrative Plant Science

Master course : Environmental Ecology

Publication (*corresponding author) :

[1] Bae, J., & Ryu, Y.* (2015). Land use and land cover changes explain spatial and temporal variations of the soil organic carbon stocks in a constructed urban park. Landscape and Urban Planning, 136, 57-67 [PDF].

[2] Bae, J., & Ryu, Y.* (2017). Spatial and temporal variations in soil respiration among different land cover types under wet and dry years in an urban park. Landscape and Urban Planning, 167, 378–385 [HTML] [PDF]. 

Conference and Meeting Proceedings, Poster and Oral presentation :

2012 - Poster, American Geophysical Union (AGU) fall meeting
Bae, J., & Ryu, Y.* (2012). Quantifying soil carbon and nitrogen stocks in the Seoul Forest Park.

2013 - Oral presentation, AsiaFlux (International Joint Conference of 11th Asiaflux, 4th HESS, 14th KSAFM)
Bae, J., & Ryu, Y.* (2013). Quantification of soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks and flux in the Seoul Forest Park.

2014 - Poster, 4th iLEAPS Science Conference, Nanjing, China
Bae, J., & Ryu, Y.* (2014). Large spatial and temporal variations of the soil organic carbon stocks in a constructed urban park.

2014 ~ 2016 - Military Service period

2017 - Poster, Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism - SEOUL ON AIR project

2017 - Poster, American Geophysical Union (AGU) fall meeting

Memberships :

[2012] - Member, American Geophysical Union (AGU)
[2013] - Member, AsiaFlux (International Joint Conference of 11th Asiaflux, 4th HESS, 14th KSAFM)
[2013] - Member, 5th International Winter School and Workshop on Climate/Environment Change
[2014] - Member, 4th iLEAPS Science Conference, Nanjing, China
[2014 ~ 2016] - Military service period
[2017] - Member, American Geophysical Union (AGU)

Journal Referee (numbers/year) :

Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology (01/2014)
Ecological Engineering (01/2016)


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